I won’t EVER forget this day. It was a cold winter Sunday morning this year and it was my Sunday to serve leading worship. It’s super early and I am standing by the first row of chairs in the aisle waiting for some of the rest of team to arrive so we can begin sound check. While looking down at my phone to see if I have any messages from anyone, I quickly look up because I see an image coming through the doors. I hear this voice with such confidence and authority coming from the back of the church and walking in saying DO YOU REMEMBER THIS. The person did not say good morning or hello which was fine with me lol as they usually do. It is one of the beautiful female singers coming down the aisle directly towards me asking this. (Deer in headlights) Huh..talked about what? Absolutely frozen because I really couldn’t tell what she had in her hand at first with her being a distance from me and coming from the back which was dark. As I remained frozen staring at her she kept walking towards me and then I could see an item in her hand. DESHANTEL do you remember this? Do you remember we talked about this? I am NOT kidding she said this a few times and kept walking towards me. As she came into the light I realized it was a signature Coach Bag. And guess what, I was STILL FROZEN because for one, I was in utter shock… two… I was a little confused trying to figure out when we talked about this beautiful bag. She is still walking towards me still asking, DO YOU remember this? Do you remember what we talked about? By the time she got a few steps from me I REMEMBERED! Oh this is the bag we talked about last year?! YES she said….this is the bag I was telling you about that I would bring to you. OMGee…. OMGee…NO WAY… my heart was leaping. I gave her the biggest hug in life and could not thank her enough. It was the BEST distraction EVER on a Sunday morning before sound check!
Here is the thing. She and I were in a conversation the year before about handbags and I shared that I was looking for a nice brown designer bag. She says to me that she had a nice brown coach bag she only used once and really can’t use it now because she is involved in a business that sells handbags and other great items so she wears and uses all of those things. I said awesome okay how much do you want for the coach bag, I will just buy it from YOU. She says no you don’t have to buy it from me, I will just bring it to church and give it to you, don’t worry about paying me. I’m thinking Glory Hallelujah to myself! And of course I asked her if she was sure and then thanked her for offering it to me. We never talked about it again. I actually FORGOT ABOUT IT by the time the new year started. Here we are in a new year and here comes the PROMISE through this whole beautiful moment on a Sunday we were serving together. What a blessing!
Hmmm. Then I began to think about our FATHER. We have been talking to Him about some personal things and in His Word we find MANY promises for our lives. And within those promises they are specific tailor made for us. WHAT HAS HE PROMISED YOU? Now in conversations you are having with the FATHER are you ONLY talking to Him about tangible blessings or also INtangible as in spiritual blessings. And are you just having conversations for yourself or are you talking to Him about promises for others?
If you have been waiting on something you KNOW God has promised, believe it will come to pass. It may be dark in your life right now you may not be able to see Him clearly but He can SEE YOU. DON’T be confused. God is NOT ALL TALK. He makes good on His word. He doesn’t make promises and go back on them as if He is human frailty. He is not a man that He should lie. His word is not fraudulent and will not return unto Him void. We used to say the phrase..,,you can take that to the bank! HE IS GOD and HIS WORD STANDS TRUE. His promises are sure!
I LOVE how I was blessed with this bag. It was on a Sunday I was SERVING. Be found serving God in your life when the promises come. That is what the bible is referring to when it talked about WAITING. That meant SERVING like a waiter. Don’t dare become lazy, or depressed, or hopeless. Believe that He is walking toward you with your PROMISE. Believe He has dispatched angels with your answer. Can you hear Him calling your name in the dark with your promise in His hand? Can you see Him walking toward you now? He is saying Do you remember this? Do you remember what we talked about? Do YOU remember we talked about this?
You CANNOT BUY His promises. They are free! Stop hanging up the old dirty laundry of your past and KEEP HIS promises before you held up HIGH! They are ON THE WAY!! DON’T FORGET!!
MY PRAYER FOR YOU: Father I lift up my dear Brother and my dear Sister to you right now. I pray that their FAITH IN YOU will be strengthened even now. We come against old mind sets and works of the flesh. We come against the hand of the enemy that seeks to destroy their hope for every promise you have for them. I thank you Father that no weapon formed will be able to prosper in their lives and that EVERY TONGUE that rises against them shall be condemned. I thank you for the heritage we have in you. May they be found serving you without wavering. Father open their eyes to see you clearly. May they keep their eyes on you even in the dark. I thank you for HEALTH IN THEIR BODY. HEALTH IN THEIR MIND. HEALTH IN THEIR FINANCES. HEALTH IN THEIR EMOTIONS. HEALTH IN THEIR SPIRIT. God you are a promise keeper and your promises are YES AND AMEN. We give you all the glory and all of the honor. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Numbers 23:19 (NIV)
19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
Psalm 89:34 (NKJV)
34 My covenant I will not break, Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.
Ephesians 1:18 (NKJV)
18 the eyes of your understanding[a] being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
Luke 18:27 (NIV)
27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”