Going out to eat is one of my favorite things to do. It doesn’t matter, it could be a healthier choice fast food restaurant, small café, or fine dining. Some restaurants let you build your own meal and some have a set menu for you to order from. Interestingly enough, eating out was one of my husband’s LEAST favorite things to do for a long time especially when it came to fine dining. I had to break him out of that quick (well actually it took some time lol). He used to always say, you don’t know what they are doing in the kitchen before your food comes out. My response was usually, it doesn’t matter as long as the food comes out good and safe to eat and that’s why we pray over our food anyway.
Now grant it, my husband was absolutely right, you DON’T know what is going on in a restaurant that has a kitchen that is closed off and hidden from the public. And anything CAN go on in those restaurant kitchens, sometimes it can look like a little drama. Plates could be flying, food could be falling on the floor, food could be burning, and there could be a lot of passionate attitudes but with negative sounding words/voices/tones going on in the background. But at a good restaurant, by the time your order of food gets to you, the presentation is amazing, the food smells delicious, and it is enjoyable.
Psalm 37:23-24 (KJV)
23- The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24- Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
This is one of my favorite passage of scriptures and every time I think of it, I keep imagining God hungry and thirsty for what He placed inside of us. When we are physically hungry and at a restaurant, we place our order expecting to get back EXACTLY what we ordered.. right? God is expecting the same back from us. He has placed an order out over our steps, our goings, and placed us on this earth for a purpose. Know that our every step, our every detail is extremely important to Him. He knows it gets messy in that kitchen of ours for He knows and sees all. It can get a little AND a lot of ugly with harsh words and bad attitudes flying around that we wish we could take back when all settles. Even seeing all the ugly, He still WANTS us and He still wants the steps He ordered from us. HE IS GOD. He knows all about our struggles, issues, burdens, and pains for He is in the kitchen with us and waiting at the table at the same time.
God is hungry and thirsty for the next move He ordered for you. Is His order ready in your hands yet? OR Have you already served Him what He ordered OR did you clock out? It’s already prepared all you have to do is pick it up. Now the gifts and purpose He placed inside of you comes From Him and works Through you but is FOR others for His the glory. Oh you didn’t know there were other people at His table and that He is the one that orders for the whole table huh? Did you go to His table and ask Him what He wanted from you next? Have you asked Him what season you are in? Pray, read the Word, and inquire of Him. His word talks about feeding the hungry, loving on people, clothing people, spreading the good news of His gospel, setting the captive free, taking care of widows and orphans, being a light read of all men. Whatever you are called to do whether in the church or in the marketplace, these are some of the main the ingredients that should be on the platter you bring to Him. And on your way to Him, make sure His meal is protected and covered by the blood of His son Jesus. In other words make sure His Name is on it because it is all for the glory of God.
By the way, God has no problem sending an order back if it is not correct (impure motives, wrong agenda, selfish ambition). He doesn’t just take anything from us and He corrects who He loves. Believe this, you are still His favorite and He will keep coming back to the table and wait for you. You can mess your order up all day, He’s not going anywhere. Hear Him clearly and make sure your heart is pure before Him. He will speak if you lend your ear. Keep your focus, keep stepping with your feet going forward, and keep your eyes on Him. Serve with excellence. Trust Him with everything you have and don’t dare look back. Do not be confused, the enemy is the one with the hit out to destroy you, but God has His order out to fulfill His purpose in you. Don’t leave God and the people He has assigned you to help sitting at the table waiting for you on an empty stomach and hungry. His order is already in. Let’s get back to His table getting God nice and full with the next step of purpose for your life.
1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Psalm 40:2 He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings
Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.
PRAYER: God I honor you and I thank you for choosing me to place your order through. I am at your table asking what you want from me. What have you placed inside of me to bring back to you and through you for others? May I never take this life you have given me for granted and may you take great delight in it. No matter how hard it gets, I will keep coming to your table serving you. I will keep fulfilling every order you have placed with me and I will serve with an excellent spirit. I will put all my trust in YOU. Thank you for trusting me. Amen.