They say the phrase “safe and sound” came from the 14th century and it means unharmed, healthy, in good condition, whole, no damage, no accidents. Traveling has become one of my top favorite things to do in the last couple of years. I am sure you have heard the term “safe and sound” after someone has arrived home from being with family and/or friends, going away or getting back from being away. Loved ones will often ask you to make sure you let them know you made it safely to your destination. I have said this phrase multiple times and I am sure you have also…. (SAFE AND SOUND).
Well....we have had a very interesting eye-opening past few weeks with the coronavirus pandemic. It is amazing to see how something that seemed to be so far, hit so close to home in such a short amount of time. Everyone around the world myself included have been praying about this highly contagious threatening virus. Prayers of comfort for loved ones who are grieving from those they lost to the virus, prayers of healing going up for those who currently have the virus, and prayers of protection over others who do not have it, that they don’t get it. I love the fact that God can be anything we need Him to be at any moment without ceasing to be everything. He can be a comfort in one place.... a healer to some others in another place.....and then at the same exact time be a protector to someone others yet in another place. He is the faithful sovereign God who can do ANYTHING BUT FAIL.
We are at a stage now in our area and parts of the world where there are mandates to close schools, nonessential businesses, and we have curfews and such. They are asking everyone unless you are going to the doctor or grocery store to stay home where it is “safe” and the most effective way to keep the virus from spreading further. Anxieties are at an all-time high in regards to this new virus, not knowing what will become of it or when it will end. And the press this virus is getting from the news media and social media outlets does not ease the emotional and mental anguish that is causing people to panic. I have never seen the shelves of the grocery stores so empty of cleaning supplies and essential foods. Everyone is grabbing and over-grabbing what they need or “think they need” to hunker down and be “safe and sound” at home. I began to think about all that is happening during this time and I keep thinking okay we are safe in our homes physically and we have made sure we have everything we need or again think we need to help keep our bodies safe...... but are we sound in our minds? While we are physically safe, do we have peace and are we resting in the Lord who has the ability to comfort, heal, and protect? Yes, we are safe but are we sound to a point where we fully trust Him in this trying time. When we are having conversations checking on one another and being checked on, can we say that we are safe and sound as in unharmed, in good condition, whole, not damage, no accidents......in our MINDS? When we are sound, we can use wisdom and common sense and make decisions that will protect and prevent harm and unnecessary added sickness that accompanies stress. When we are sound, we find ourselves settled causing everyone and everything else around us to be settled and at peace even in the midst of confusion and in the middle of a pandemic. When we are sound, we can be the church (salt and light) to a world that has no hope inviting them to the life of hope in Christ Jesus. Giving them the understanding that this hope is for them too. When we are sound, we can pray heaven down to earth in us, through us, and around us.
My prayer for you today is not only for you to be SAFE in this pandemic season, but that you be SOUND. Do not fear, do not worry. Not safe and full of fear. But safe and full of FAITH. We all have gifts but I am encouraging you to stir up the gift of faith in you as a believer. God is going to get the glory out of this. Be SAFE AND SOUND.
Prayer: My Savior, my Lord I bless your great Name. You deserve all of the honor. I yield to you right now. I humble myself at your feet. Thank you for being everything and anything I have ever needed you to be and yet never ceasing to be. I pray for my country and the world going through this pandemic. God we need you. I pray that you will comfort, heal, and protect concerning this virus. Lord you have the power to stop this and I am trusting you that as we as a nation hunker down, I pray you will honor it and that you will bring the spread of this virus to an end. I pray Psalm 91 over my self and my household today. We are covered by the blood of Jesus. I speak peace to my atmosphere. I will not be full of fear but I will be full of faith. In the midst of this help me to remember that my hope is in you. Help me to be salt and light to those who have no hope. I declare and decree that I am not only SAFE but I am SOUND. In Jesus powerful Name I pray. Amen
2Timothy 1:7 KJV For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Romans 15:13 NIV May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 5:13-16 NIV 13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it’s saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except if be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.